Curriculum at Belmont School
Belmont School's Vision
Development of the whole school learning community promotes personalised and independent learning throughout the learning journey for pupils and adults. Pupil voice informs all school development priorities – every child, every day make us Stronger Together.
Belmont's Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum is based around the UNICEF Rights for Children and the 17 sustainable Global Goals. At Belmont School, we are focusing on what those goals mean to us and how 'Pupil Leaders' can share understanding across the school community.
We put the child at the centre of our school, where positive relationships, based on mutual trust and respect are at the heart of everything we do. Our ambitious curriculum has been designed to take account of the legal requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and the Primary National Curriculum. It exposes our children to enriching experiences, immersing them in progressive knowledge and skills; equipping them with personal characteristics required to succeed in life. The creative and performing arts are pivotal to our curriculum delivery and ensure that our children are immersed in vibrant experiences, allowing each of them to express themselves as an individual.
The key principles behind the design of our curriculum are for our children to:
- Be confident, independent and resilient; displaying a thirst for and becoming leaders of learning
- Be kind; showing empathy and compassion whilst valuing inclusivity and diversity
- Achieve academically across the entire curriculum, meeting at least the national expectation by the end of their primary education
- Be culturally knowledgeable about our country and the world we live in
- Aspire for the future and know that these can be reached through hard work and determination
- Be well-prepared for the challenges of their next stage of learning.
Ultimately, we want all of our children, to be the best they can be, making a positive contribution to the world they live in.
Implementation describes the way in which we deliver our intent consistently each day. At Belmont, we provide a rich curriculum based on the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum programmes of study. Our broad and balanced curriculum helps to prepare the children for their future learning in school and wider world. Learning is sequenced with clear progression from EYFS to the end of Key Stage two. The children’s knowledge and cultural capital is enhanced in each year group through planning and the delivery of high-quality lessons that develop pupil’s knowledge and skill that are reflected in learning walls, pupil’s work, pupil’s voice and high-quality resources.
Knowledge is consolidated and built upon to support retention and recall and is clearly outlined in progression documents and schemes of work. This ensures that by the time children leave our school they have learnt, and are able to recall and apply the key information that we feel are important in order for them to be successful in the future.
We develop our teachers and teaching assistants through nationally accredited professional development as well as personalised bespoke training relevant to the needs of our school. Thus, they continue to deliver creative, high quality lessons. Teaching includes personalised learning plans, individual support, small group activities and whole class teaching.
As a result of our well planned curriculum, our expected impact is as follows:
- Our pupils show kindness, compassion, empathy, ability to self regulate and courage.
- Our pupils demonstrate a passion and thirst for lifelong learning.
- Our inclusive practice celebrates moments of wonder and captures each small step of progress for every child regardless of their individual needs.
- Our pupils achieve well – all making good progress from their starting points and achieving at least the expected standard across the entire curriculum by the end of Key Stage 2.
- Our pupils have the knowledge, skills, understanding and vocabulary that empowers them as citizens in the 21st Century. They are able to make connections between key knowledge and concepts, demonstrating that they know more and remember more as a result of their time with us.
- Our pupils have access to a wide and varied curriculum, enabling each of them to excel as individuals and to do their best.
- Our pupils have high aspirations for the future and know that these can be realised with hard work and determination.
- Our pupils are mentally and emotionally happy and resilient learners who are willing to take risks and celebrate every mistake as a learning opportunity.
- Our families work in partnership with us to ensure their child’s journey at Belmont is a positive one and prepares them to contribute positively to the world in which they live.