Global Goal 4 – Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Dear Families,
Happy New Year!
What a wonderful way to start the new term—and the new year, as we were treated to a magical blanket of snow on the first morning back, adding a touch of winter wonder to our return. As the weather is not going to be warm for a while, please make sure that your child wears the appropriate clothing and is wearing black shoes or trainers with good grip. Please also remember to label all items of clothing with your child's full name and class.
The start of a new term is always an exciting time, full of fresh opportunities for learning, growth, and discovery. We’re so proud of how well our pupils have settled back into their routines and are already demonstrating enthusiasm and determination to improve what they produce in the class and their effort levels - so well done parents.
We have also had extremely positive feedback from parents about the new end of day procedures and would like to thank KS2 parents for coming on time to collect their children at the new time of 3.15pm.
We thank you for your continued support as we work together to make this term a truly memorable one for our children.
A Reminder About Bringing Unhealthy Snacks into school -
We are a Fit4Life Charter School
We wrote to you in our previous newsletters that we are still seeing an increase in families bringing in unhealthy snacks to school at the end of the day and part of after-school snacks.
Sadly, this has not changed! As a Healthy school, we will not allow snacks on the school site, as they may contain allergens that are harmful to members of our school community.
Therefore, we will not be allowed any snacks to be brought onto the school site. If seen, the staff will ask you to put it in the bin, or for you to take it home. So please do not bring these items on site.
From next week, snacks will not be allowed for after-school clubs that finish at 4pm. Please do not pack them as your child will not have the time to eat it.
Outstandingly Happy Harrow School!
The pupils in Year 5 have been learning more about living outside their zone of comfort and would like to share the following quote with you:
Do not forget that as a school we are all working in the 2% Mindset mode:
I look forward to handing out special badges to those in the wider school community who practice and spread the messages of joy and happiness! It might even be you!
We will be sending out the 'What's On' list, as well as the home learning and curriculum overviews that will include information on what your child will learn this term.
A reminder to all families, that if you have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to any member of staff on duty or email the school office via or by submitting your query on our virtual form found on our website ( We aim to respond to queries within 10 working days as outlined in our Positive Communication Policy, which can be found in the policy section on our website, where you will also find:
- Community Behaviour Policy
- Complaints Policy and Procedure
- Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints Policy
Finally, we hope that you wrap up warm over the weekend and see you on Monday with the children in the correct uniforms.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Aggarwall