Welcome Back!
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are really looking forward to welcoming your children back to school full-time from next Monday. Our staff have been busy planning lots of exciting learning for the next three and a half weeks up to the Easter break. Now that Spring is here we will have many opportunities for the children to be outdoors, and to get fresh air and exercise, which we all need after the Winter lockdown. From next week our Reception classes will start Forest School sessions on the school site, while our Nursery children will be able to enjoy their outdoor learning on the new outdoor surface which was installed last week. Further up the school PE lessons will involve using the school’s all weather pitch and the field, including the new outdoor gym which we have built on the field and funded with the PE and Sports Premium.
We have valued your support and your positive feedback about our online learning since January and we now want to ask for your continued support to make sure your children attend school every day. Full school attendance is now mandatory. Last week’s letter explained the systems in place for our staggered start and finish times. The latest Government Guidance stresses the importance of making sure “bubbles” do not cross over during the school day to prevent the risk of infection, and this starts at the beginning of the day so it is essential your children arrive at school on time for their year group to enter the site. Late arrivals may not be permitted until ALL other year groups have already entered the site safely. The same procedures will apply at the end of the day when we expect children to be collected on time.
Unfortunately, you will still have to line up on the pavements either side of the school entrance at the start and finish time, so please make sure you arrive at the right time to avoid unnecessary waits and congestion. The Guidance recommends keeping a 2 metre distance between people outdoors, and where this may not be possible, wearing a face covering at all times, so please bring a face covering to wear while you are waiting outside the school and when entering the one way system with your children.
Harrow Council has now employed COVID Marshalls to work with the community to maintain social distancing and follow the Guidance. We have requested visits to the school by the COVID Marshalls to support us all.