Global Goal 4 – Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a fabulous term we have all had at Belmont School. I would like to say thank you to all the staff, pupils and parents for the amazing partnership, learning and progress that has been made over the Spring Term. We are truly 'Stronger Together'!
As mentioned earlier in the week, we are saying goodbye to Miss Bhalla and Miss Brown from Stargazers. We will miss you both and wish you all the success as you move into your new roles after the Easter break.
I would like to thank the Year 2 team, pupils and parents for their contribution to amazing production of 'Joseph and the technicolour dream coat'. It was wonderfully directed, with great action and beautiful singing! Well done!
The Year 3 trip to the British Museum on Tuesday was a huge success and all the pupils have got to see lots of 'Mummies'.
The Scholastics Book Fair, helped raise £198 for the school in vouchers that Ms. Ali will be using towards refreshing our school library collection.
Year 6 boys Football Finals were held on Tuesday 28th March at Bannisters sports ground. The team did not come top, but came in 5th place out of 7 other schools. We are proud of our team and coaches, Mr Ayeh-Datey and Mr Clifton for their hard work and dedication to training and supporting Belmont into getting into the Harrow primary school team finals! Well done!
We had two wonderful performances from Star 1 and Star 3! Both class assemblies were well attended, and all pupils performed and sang so well! Well done to you all too.
After the Easter break, we will be holding Curriculum Meetings for parents to discuss what the Summer Term curriculum will look like for each year group as follows:
- Curriculum Meeting for Years 1 and 2 on Wednesday 19th April from 9am to 10am.
- Curriculum Meeting for Years 5 and 6 on Thursday 20th April from 9am to 10am.
- Curriculum Meeting for Nursery and Reception on Tuesday 25th April from 9am to 10am.
- Curriculum Meeting for Years 3 and 4 on Wednesday 26th April from 9am to 10am.
We would like to wish all of our families who are celebrating the holy month of Ramazan, Ramadan Mubarak and all of our families who are celebrating Easter, a Happy Easter
Finally, I would like to wish you all restful break, and we all look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 17th April wearing the correct school uniform and black shoes or trainers!
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Aggarwall