Global Goal 4 – Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Pupils and staff have been really over the past two weeks! Year 2 visited Sea Life and were great at navigating the busy route into central London and were able to name landmarks, bridges and the River Thames! All had a wonderful time, and we would like to thank the parent helpers who attended! Our Reception pupils have been visiting the local Library and learning how to join the library, how many books they can take and what other events Wealdstone library has on during the holidays. So if you are not a member, do join!
Year 3 and 4 had workshops that were run by the Mental Health Service Team that explored playtime anxiety and what they can do to help themselves!
Class Assemblies
Congratulations to 3 Galaxy for their very informative assembly on World Wild Life Day, Well done!
We also had Star 2's wonderful assembly this morning which was centred around their learning of 'Glorious Gardens!' They were loud, clear and very entertaining! The humour was brilliant, with an amazing joke, "How does a flower whistle?... With Tulips!" What fun!
Thank you to all the parents who attended both of the class assemblies, and we are looking forward to Star 1 and Star 3 class assemblies, please do check the school calendar.
Book week
We had a wonderful week celebrating reading and our love of books! Book Day was a huge success! Thank you all for the amazing effort, the homemade costumes were phenomenal. It is important that your child reads daily for at least 20 minutes a day.
Keeping Children Safe Parent Workshops
I would like to thank Hoda, who ran the parents workshops! They were informative, and I hope they have provided our families, who attended, with further support of who you can keep your children safe at home. Congratulations to those parents who were awarded with certificates for attending three or more of the workshops, your children were happy at being able to present you with these awards.
Hoda will be returning to work with our children. If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to contact the school.
Today, children across the school were reviewing the NSPCC Pants Rule. Do speak to your children about it and click the following link for further information:
End of the day lining up procedures
Many parents have spoken to me about people pushing and cutting in the line. As adults, I should not need to remind you that you are role models. Please wait in the queue until it is your turn. If you have to come around twice, you are expected to collect your Key Stage 2 child and then join the end of the queue!
Thank you for your continued cooperation and your ongoing support.
OPAL Parent Meeting
Finally, we are super excited about introducing the OPAL project at Belmont School. On Tuesday 14th March, we will be hosting a parent meeting to share further information with you. Please do attend, and we will start the meeting at 9am!
Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday!
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Aggarwall