Global Goal 4 – Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Dear Parents and Carers,
What an amazing start to the last half-term of this academic year, it seems to be flying by!
As the temperature has been increasing, it is important that your children all come into school with a water bottle only and a cap. Please can we ask that you apply sunscreen in the morning, children wil not be able to apply this in school. We also ask parents to not send children into school wearing winter coats or even their school jumpers!
We have celebrated the Queen's Jubilee and completed the Year 1 Phonics screening and Year 4 Multiplication check. We have many end of year events, so please make sure you check out the school calendar and watch out for school pings for more information.
All home learning grids for Summer 2 have been distributed and have been pinged out to all. All must complete the tasks by Friday 15th July 2022.
We are near the end of our book sale. Do come and have a look and take as many books as you like. If you like to donate, please hand this to a member of staff who is at the table.
Attendance and Punctuality
A reminder that your child must come into and be collected from school at their designated times. Any child who is not collected at the designated times at the end of the day will be escorted to the afterschool club (ACE), which will result in a charge for this service for parents.
Classes For Next Year
As part of getting ready fo the next academic year, staff will be reviewing the current classes and mixing them. You will find out who will be teaching your child and what class they will be in next year in their reports.
If you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to speak to any member of the team.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Aggarwall