Global Goal 4 – Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Dear Parents and Carers,
Today is the last day of this half-term and I can hardly believe it! Tomorrow and Monday 6th June, the school is closed for pupils as we have staff training days. Belmont School will reopen for all pupils on Tuesday 7th June.
SATs for Year 2 and 6 are completed, and the next statutory testing will happen after the break for the Year 1 and 2 (only those who did not pass in December) Phonics Screening and the Year 4 Multiplication test. Information has been emailed out to parents, but if you have any questions or queries, please do ask the class teachers.
We have had an amazing summer 1, with the Year 6 girls successfully competing in a tournament at the Hive and coming 2nd place, Lois T in Year 5 being a runner-up in the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Art Competition and to our very first visit to the Microsoft store in London. We are proud of our pupils and their achievements and look forward to consolidating what they have learnt and getting them ready for their next stage of academic journey.
New Parent Ambassador
I am very excited to announce that we have been able to recruit to this role! I would like to welcome Mrs P Sengerwal, who many of you will know. Congratulations and welcome to the Belmont team.
Healthy Schools Award
I would like to remind parents that we are a 'Healthy School' and currently have the silver status. We are aiming to get gold, but in order for us to achieve this we need your help to ensure that you follow the packed lunch policy and that you do not bring junk food including ice creams on to school site at the end of the school day.
If your child has a packed lunch, they can only bring crisps and chocolate on Fridays. Children must only bring water to school, so do not pack juice or fizzy drinks.
Caterlink provides pupils with a well-balanced nutritional meal and I would encourage parents to try this option, it not only saves you time, but enables children to try different foods too! Remember, all school lunches must be booked online in advance, more details can be found below. They will also be hosting a special menu to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee on Wednesday 8th June.
Finally, today is 'Thank a Teacher Day' and I would personally like to thank all of my staff for being the amazing practitioners that they are, and they are valued not just by me but by our wonderful parent community too.
I wish you all a very restful and safe half-term and will see you all on Tuesday 7th June.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Aggarwall