Global Goal 4 – Quality Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are well and truly into Spring! With weather changing, I would like to remind you all that coats are still required. Please make sure that you label all of your children's clothing so that in the event of a coat being left behind, we are then able to hand to the right child.
I have seen some fantastic home learning coming into school and online. Parents, do remember that home learning is set to enable children to practice and remember key knowledge and facts that they will be able to recall in class, so please make sure that they complete it. Well done to 2 Sky and 5 Asteroid who completing the most activities on Times Tables Rockstars and Numbots!
As the country is now learning to live with COVID-19, we are reviewing our school systems. We are continuing with our midday cleaning of high touch areas and surfaces, as well as our hand hygiene practices. We would like to ask you to make a personal choice on whether you would like to wear a face covering whilst you are on school site.
I would to like to remind that your child's safety is our highest priority and for that very reason will be continuing with the drop-off and collection routine (please see below for more details). It is important that you drop your children at the correct time and pick them up at their designated collection times, Year 3, 4 and 5 at 3.05pm and Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2 at 3.15pm. Any children who are not collected at their designated time will be escorted to the after-school club (ACE) which will result in a charge for this service for parents. If you are interested with signing your children up to after-school club, do contact Mr Bennett on 07947 682787 or, who will provide you with the price and other information.
Your children have had an amazing start to this half-term with dressing like a royal day and celebrating World Book Day last week. So, next week will be no less adventurous as we will be taking part in Science Week- ‘Growth’. Children will be engaged in a variety of science activities and virtual assemblies, with staff and pupils ending the week with a 'Dress like a scientist day' on Friday 18th March!
A final reminder that children need to come into school wearing the correct uniform and long hair must be tied up.
We hope you enjoy your weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Aggarwall