Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had amazing start to this academic year. The pupils are highly motivated and engaged. The month of October marks 'Black History Month', this is being taught through our Exploration, 'Once upon a me...' Please keep checking on our website for amazing learning that our pupils are creating!
We have all had some time to settle back into the school routine. We would like to find out how you, the children and staff have found transitioning to Belmont this academic year. To enable us to gather your views, please can you complete the following parent/carer survey by clicking the link below:
Your role as parent and carer is important to assist us in developing the school's vision and values not just in school but outside of school. We would like to find out about what your experiences have been since 2nd September.
Please complete the form below by Friday 22nd October 2021.
Once we have gathered the information, we will share our findings!
As it is now well and truly autumn, please make sure that you children bring a coat to school. Even when the weather isn’t great we try and get the children outside for outdoor learning.
We will be hosting the annual Flu Immunisation for Reception to Year 6 pupils next Thursday 14th October 2021.
This year the NHS consent process is electronic. In order to access the online consent form, please click on the following link
You will need to enter the unique code for your child’s school. The code is:
Please submit your form well before the nursing team are due to visit the school to ensure your child receives their vaccination. If you experience any problems accessing the form, please telephone your local team on the number provided above and the team will be happy to help. Online consent will close by 12pm the day before our visit so you will be unable to complete the form after this time. Please contact the team after this time. Nursery pupils will need to book the immunisation through your GP.
A reminder to all Year 6 Parents that the high school application deadline date is 31st October 2021. Please check out our news section for help with submitting the online application form.
Finally, It is important that your child starts school with their peers as this will help them to get ready for the amazing learning planned. It is your responsibility to ensure that your child is in school at their designated times. Repeated lateness means that your child is losing out on valuable learning, therefore the school’s safeguarding procedures will be followed and referrals will be made to external agencies where necessary.
Pupils who are not collected at the designated times at the end of the day will be escorted to the afterschool club (ACE) which will result in a charge for this service for parents.
If you have any questions our queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs P Aggarwall
Headteacher (Acting)